Providing safe, secure, high-quality and cost-efficient services and infrastructure in air traffic, which contribute to the strengthening of the social and economic prosperity of the state of Montenegro.
Provide sustainable, safe, secure and environmentally friendly business operations at Montenegrin airports. Provide modern and efficient airport infrastructure and high-quality service. Ensure expansion and improvement, along with integrated development with other types of traffic. Ensure the engagement of talented and motivated team of employees.
Policy – The Main Principles
The safety and security of our clients and staff is the backbone of our business.
Planning and implementing the measures of environment protection in accordance with the standards of ecologic state and the best practices in the industry.
Added value
Highly professional service and the value of an attentive relationship with passengers and partners in a cost-effective manner.
Exemplary employer
Attitude towards employees – in equal manner, protecting their dignity and a constant rise of the living standard.
Partner’s relationship and loyalty
Open, constructive and non-discriminatory cooperation with all partners and state entities.
Responsible management with complete property
Awareness of high personal responsibility towards the planned, productive development and successful financial management.
Economic development
Stimulation of economic development of a wider region around both airports and the state of Montenegro.